
MicroGP4 is available as a PyPi package from and installing it is as simple as

pip install microgp

and then

>>> import microgp as ugp4
>>> ugp4.show_banner()

Caveat: on some systems the package manager is pip3.

Optional dependencies

The packages coloredlogs, matplotlib and psutil are optional, they will not be installed by default, but are exploited if present.

pip install coloredlogs matplotlib psutil
  • Under Ubuntu/Debian, you may need Python.h. For example:
sudo apt install python3-dev
pip3 install coloredlogs matplotlib psutil
  • Under Windows, and if you are using conda, you should probably:
conda install coloredlogs matplotlib
conda install --channel conda-forge psutil

Source Code

The source code is hosted on GitHub at, the default branch is usually aligned with the PyPi package. On Ubuntu/Debian it could be enough to:

git clone
cd microgp4/src
pip3 install -U -r requirements.txt
python3 ./ install