Individual Operators

MicroGP4 package offers some basic operators that can be found in microgp.individual_operators. Three of them are crossover operators, four are mutation operators and one has the goal to create a random individual. As you can see in Darwin, the methods that are listed in this module can be passed to the constructor of a GenOperator an then added to the list of operators used by the microgp.darwin.Darwin object.


Initialization operator

This kind of operator doesn’t receive any individual as input and returns a new individual.

Create random individual

Mutation operators

This kind of operator change one or more genes that describe an individual. The intensity of the change and the probability that it takes place depend on sigma. This is a parameter specified during the creation of the Darwin object and it can assume values in [0, 1].

The available mutation operators are:

  • microgp.individual_operators.remove_node_mutation
  • microgp.individual_operators.add_node_mutation
  • microgp.individual_operators.hierarchical_mutation
  • microgp.individual_operators.flat_mutation

Remove node mutation

Add node mutation

Hierarchical mutation

Flat mutation

Crossover operators

The available crossover operators are:

  • Switch procedure crossover: microgp.individual_operators.switch_proc_crossover
  • MacroPool OneCut crossover: microgp.individual_operators.macro_pool_one_cut_point_crossover
  • MacroPool Uniform crossover: microgp.individual_operators.macro_pool_uniform_crossover

Switch procedure crossover

MacroPool OneCut crossover

MacroPool Uniform crossover